A German Shepherd Dog named “Zoey” has gone missing. The 10 month old, 85lb female pup was allegedly stolen from someone’s home while they were away. That home belonged to David Hodges of Piedmont Insurance Agency.
There is currently a $2,500 reward offered for Zoey’s safe return.
Here is a picture of Zoey:
A Facebook post reads:
It is with a heavy heart that we post this about Zoey. David’s house was broken into last night near Arcadia Pool, Clemmons, North Davidson area. Nothing was taken from the home except Zoey. $2500 REWARD will be paid for her safe return and any information leading to the arrest of the culprit(s). She weighs 85 pounds and is 11 months old. She has on a pink collar with rabies tag and owner information. If you have seen her or know her whereabouts, please call 336-345-2794 OR 336-764-2907. Help us bring Zoey back home, her family misses her very much!
Have you seen Zoey?
If so, please use the telephone numbers above to provide a tip. Stealing someone’s dog is a terrible thing to do.