On September 2, 2017 this image made to to the front page of Reddit after originally posted in /r/pics via imgur. The title of the post was “Police dog saluted before being put down (Middletown, CT)”.
After some hunting around I discovered that the Middleotwn Connecticut’s Police Department’s Facebook page had a post which explained the emotional, awesome, and sad sad sight:
Officer Michael D’Aresta unfortunately has to make the toughest decision any K9 handler dreads making this evening at Pieper Olson in Middletown at 1830 hours.
K9 Hunter has been ill for that past several days and when tests were conducted they revealed that K9 Hunter has a very aggressive form of Liver cancer. They unfortunately recommended that he be euthanized.
Officer D’Aresta and Hunter have been an exceptional team serving the City of Middletown in a high caliber since 2007.So as you can imagine, this is extremely difficult for Mike and his family.
Sgt. Doug Clark
Middletown K-9 supervisor
It is so sad to see them go. 🙁