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Today we met with Dr. Scott Bailey in NCSU’s Theriogenology dept. Theriogenologists are veterinarians with advanced training in animal reproduction. They offer onsite progesterone testing
Fina turns 7 today! It has been 7 great years with “Fina Beena”. She has been the best companion ever. She curls up in chairs
Aura the German Shepherd turned 2 today. She’s just a big puppy! Happy Birthday, Aura! Fina has a birthday this week, too. We’re going to
This is Aura’s Daddy, SCH3 Kkl 1, HD-SV: HD a-normal (a1), VA(PL),V1,SG36 BSZS, Fritz vom Kuckucksland: Fitz’s page is available on PedigreeDatabase here.
Here’s Aura riding in the car on her way for a walk with her new doggy backpack. She’s wondering why the phone is being pointed
Hektor Haus is now a Royal Canin Crown Partner.
We updated our Facebook page some more today. Check it out! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Hektor-Haus-German-Shepherds/178215952264397
Hektor Haus is thinking of taking a new female on in 2012. More news on this soon……