On a recent camping trip I jumped on my bike. I had Aura with me and she was looking a little bored so I grabbed her leash and started peddling. She was a natural!
She was enjoying a nice trot. She was even sniffing the ground as she trotted along.
We both had a blast and plan on doing this again soon. I haven’t looked around online but I’m certain there is some sort of controversy. I know bikes are used to condition dogs for endurance training and certifications- I’m not doing any of that, just having some fun and getting exercise. I’d definitely avoid doing this when it is hot out, avoid gravel areas and only do short distances on the roads- just common sense stuff really. A little cruise on the bike with your favorite dog can be fun!
I can also see how this could vary from dog to dog and depend on the dog’s age, size, ec.
Aura is a high energy dog. We’ll go for 2mi walks often which don’t phase her. A 5MPH trot beside my bike was a real blast for her. I biked around with Fina a little, who is 7yrs old, and she’s only up for slow ride. This is fine with me though- I’m no Lance Armstrong.