We finally have a decent update here on our A litter.
As some of you have noticed, our blog has been a bit quiet lately. It has been a rough week. We had some family in the hospital, and had to replace one of out family vehicles, but all is well now.
If you’ve been following the blog, you know that we removed our carpet and the puppies are on a cement surface now. This doesn’t look fantastic, but is wonderful for the pups. We put puppy pads and blankets down but they prefer the cool surface. It gets cleaned and sanitized about 6 times each day when they go outside for potty breaks. It is hot out but nice and cool in the house as we have a new air conditioner.
Last night they took down our makeshift wall and had a huge party in the house. It is essentially puppy-proof, but wow, what a mess- it took a solid 4 hours to pick up! The pups just don’t know any better yet.
After we were finished cleaning the house, all 9 pups had baths. They were filthy! With 9 of them, they get dirty fast- sometimes in minutes. We then put them on a clean white puppy pad for pictures! Their personalities have changed a bit since week 5. Right now, they are about 6.5 weeks old, and all 9 are doing excellent.
Their current schedule is:
8AM wake up. We get up at 7:30 and soak the puppy food. At 8AM, we take them outside the second they awake. All of them go potty and we tell them “good potty”. Then they charge over to us for a petting, and then we jog around the back yard. All 9 run after us at the same time. After 2 laps, some of them will start to go potty again, and some will plop down to watch, then when we come by again they join back in. Then we set the food down and observe. They eat, then wrestle, and when they start to settle down, back into the house they go for a nap.
12PM repeat.
8PM repeat.
Around 3PM, 6PM, and 1AM, they go out for breaks and playtime. We put out cold water for them often as well.
At this point, we have 2 males available, but we have 3 or 4 people strongly considering getting a pup, so, they’re pretty much sold at this point. 🙁 Some of the pups are spoken for and have no name yet or have not been placed yet, but we will put names where we can.
7/19/2013 they get their health exam, vaccinations and microchip, and some are going home on 7/20/2013, and others 7/27/2013, and other misc dates right around then. They will be missed, and we hope that we receive pictures and updates. A much overdue trip to the beach is in store for us and the kids when the pups are gone.
Well, on to the pictures (in alphabetic order of their collar color)!