2 B Litter Males

At this point we have 2 B Litter males available.

On our A litter, the boys were in very high demand. On the B litter, the girls were in high demand. It is a good thing we had 4 of them!

One of the girls flew to California! One of the boys is here in Pittsboro and we’ll get to see him growing up! Another one of the is in Holly Springs, one in Charlotte, and one is in Chapel Hill. The girl in Chapel Hill has started her own Facebook page.

The 2 boys we have here have been doing awesome. We really love this stage. They are almost potty trained now, and have learned to sit, lie down. We’ve been taking them for car rides. Yesterday they learned what a harness is and we had them on a leash. They went to the local farmer’s market and met many new people. It was freezing out and by the time they got home they were pooped! They snuggled up on a blanket together. It is a good thing there are just 2 of them here because they are definitely wanting more and more human interaction at this point. We’ll just keep on raising them to be awesome puppies until they go to their new home.

Their ears are unbelievable cute right now, so today’s picture is from the back!



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